5 Reasons Some Men Avoid Watching Football With Their Spouses


5 Reasons Some Men Avoid Watching Football With Their Spouses

Watching football is one of the best things a human being can do in this life. It eases off the normal pressures of life, moods, and feelings. It is a sport that helps relaxation processes and it can relieve stress.

However, there becomes a major problem when you get frustrated watching a sport that is meant to give you joy. One of the causes of this frustration is “watching with a partner (wife)”. Don’t get me wrong, women are very lovely creatures, but when it comes to watching football with men, things end up in chaotic manner.

5 Reasons Some Men Avoid Watching Football With Their Spouses

The reasons are stated below.


5) Too many Questions

A man who has set himself to watch a football game together with a woman should prepare for an interview session. Loads of questions would be asked by the woman when they start watching the game. Questions like;

  • Why did referee give that guy yellow card and this one red? Is there blue card too?
  • Is the Coach playing too?
  • Man u are wearing blue while Chelsea are on red right?
  • Why is there no 3rd half?
  • If the score-line is 1-1 then who won?
  • How many Champions Leagues have Nigeria won?
  • Chelsea have won the world cup abi?
  • What is Offside? Explain more

The last question here is the most mental of them all. Trying to explain the rule of offside to some women is worse than seeing your team lose.

Questions such as these are one of the reasons some men avoid watching football with some women.


4) No One To Bant

5 Reasons Men Don't Like Watching Football With Their Spouses

There is the fulfilled feeling in some men that comes after banting out the life of their rivals, especially after their club wins and their rivals loses. Imagine watching Man United vs Chelsea and not having to bant the person watching with you. Where’s the fun in that?

Some women support a football team – this scenario is better but when she is without a club and you feel the urge to bant you would just have to return the urge to where it came from.

However, some men would prefer watching a game with a spouse that doesn’t have a club because she would comfort him if his club loses rather than bant him.


3) TV Remote Tussle

5 Reasons Men Don't Like Watching Football With Their Spouses

Imagine just standing up to use the toilet at half-time whistle, coming back and seeing the station has been changed. You’ll then say “honey, when second half starts you’ll change it back”, then she concurs. Second half starts but she doesn’t want to hand over the remote or change the station.

Now, that is the match that you yourself would have to play and win. Most times, the man loses the right to the remote. If his clubs goes on to lose too that’s another “wahala”.

However, when the man wins the tussle, he might be shown “pepper” especially when it’s time to eat.


2) Noises Not Related To Football – Headache

You’re watching a football game in the sitting room with your spouse and all of a sudden she starts making loud phone calls. By doing this the man would hardly hear the commentary and analysis – such important parts of football.

These noises alone can lead to sad and bad headaches.

This always ends with the man finally leaving to go watch the game at a viewing centre where the noise is a ”Holy One”.


1) Unnecessary Conversations

5 Reasons Men Don't Like Watching Football With Their Spouses

Some female partners or Wives seem to use this rare opportunity to disturb their men with conversations that can be discussed at other times.

This one is quite funny. A man trying to fully understand what his boys are doing on the pitch as he watches, then his wife starts conversations about church stuffs, neighbourhood stuffs and so on.

This act may seem deliberate at times as the woman wants to be the centre of his attention at the moment of him watching football. Of course, the plan always work as the conversations the woman would bring up are a must-discuss.

That’s why I say again that women are the most lovely creatures on earth…….. when they want to be.

“They” know that we men are not lying and there’s even more that they do that are not on this list. Hope you enjoyed reading.

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